Hi, I’m Chrissy! 

A little bit about moi!

Growing up, I was always fascinated by capturing the beauty of the world through photography. As a teenager, I got my first serious camera when I took a photography class in high school, and from that moment on, I knew that photography would be an essential part of my life. Photography became a creative outlet for me, and I spent countless hours honing my skills to capture unique and meaningful images.

Over the years, my passion for photography has only grown stronger, and I’ve discovered a particular love for capturing authentic moments in people’s lives. Whether it’s photographing a family, a maternity shoot, capturing a couple’s love, or simply taking headshots for business professionals, I am grateful for the opportunity to freeze these special moments in time.

Outside of my work, I am married to my high school sweetheart, Mike, and a dog mom to our two furry friends, Cooper and Kona. We love spending our free time exploring the great outdoors, camping, hiking, and working in our garden. I also enjoy sipping wine by the fire with my family, baking sourdough bread, traveling the world, and watching the beauty of the sun rising and setting. I frequent many coffee shops, enjoy reading a book or editing photos on a rainy day, and love to make people laugh!

Overall, photography has brought me immense joy and fulfillment, and I am grateful and honored to share it with others!

A few of my favorite things…

Margs + Tacos

Traveling, especially to my favorite city Florence, Italy

Family + Friends

Making sourdough bread

Coffee dates

Spending time outdoors, hiking & camping